EchoSpore  2018 – 2024

Rediscover compositions of persecuted musicians and multiply performances

Wiederentdeckung verfemter Kompositionen

The project EchoSpore is dedicated to the rediscovery of outlawed compositions. Its implementation at the University of Music and Dance Cologne started in 2018 after an intensive exchange between the donors Petra and Ralph-Robert Lichterfeld and the university, represented by the project leader Prof. Dr. Florence Millet, made possible by the Stiftung Lichterfeld.

The Foundation promotes artistic as well as scientific project components, the concern of which is to bring the works of ostracized, disenfranchised, persecuted, exiled, ghettoised, camp-locked and murdered composers back into the concert hall and made accessible to a broad public. In addition, up-and-coming artists – in this case students with their  teachers – are encouraged to engage with the composers, their art and the socio-historical position of the artists.

EchoSpore is on the one hand an Internet platform, on which audio and video files, biographical-historical texts and sources, links to scores and performances are presented, in addition EchoSpore acts through the organization and support of chamber music and orchestral concerts and its recordings.

Initially, the university plans numerous activities over a period of five years. In addition to concerts, recordings and  competitions the necessity to find and print scores, piano reductions and orchestral parts based on existing manuscripts of the EchoSpore list of works is of outmost importance and involves the composition department.

With the generous support of / mit freundlicher Unterstützung von:

New North London Synagoge

November 26 2023 (click to enlarge)

Museum für verfolgte Künste, Solingen, Germany / HfMT Köln

December 3 , 2023 (Fotos @ Daniela Tobias / Zentrum für verfolgte Künste) / December 4, 2023

Holocaustgedenktag 2018

For the Holocaustgedenktag in 2018, January 27th and 28th four concerts were given in Fussballmuseum Dormund, Schloss Kemnade, Günter Wand Haus, Wuppertal and Synagogue Bochum

Fussballmuseum Dormund in presence of the Israel Embassador, Bundestagsvizepräsidentin Frau Claudia Roth

Günter Wand Haus, Wuppertal

Synagogue Bochum

Karlrobert Kreiten Competition 2017

Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln | Next competition: 25-27 January 2019

Karlrobert Kreiten Competition 2018 Award Ceremony

Daniel Borovitsky, 1st Prize | Arash Rokny, 2nd Prize | Lorenzo Soulès, 3rd Prize

Jury: Tilman Claus, Dominique Merlet, Grygory Grützman, Florence Millet and professors of the HfMT


Florence Millet




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